This piece was intended as an A3 poster that folds up into a leaflet. I never got the opportunity to see it in 3D form, but i can only imagine it going well (or as well as the A4 version i printed out myself went anyway).
Poster 3 - This image was for a screening of Mary Poppins, with interactive chalk drawing games for the kids and family etc...
Poster 2 - Event entitled the vehicle of horrors! DUN DUN DAAAA. Basically a small group are lead out into the new forest to a secret location, and put in an old scary bus, which had been converted into a cinema, and get the living piss scared out of them by a horror film accompanied by actors. Wont lie, I'm definitely giving this a go!
Poster 1 - New forest themed image... SIMPLES
About a month ago i got asked to do some design work for the New Forest Film Festival. Which upon undertaking turned into nearly a full time job for several weeks (which i suppose is the illustrators dream).
Due to a few miscommunications, i actually ended up doing an early (and basically wrong) brief that was sent to me first. But as I'd finished all the images i thought i might as well post them up here, saves them going to complete waste! So here they are, i'll post up the final ones soon!
Check out the festival at www.newforestfilmfestival.com and come along, it's going to be awesome!
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